
Kappa Iota strives to be the best we can be in every aspect of life! We are very focused on our education, but know that we need to time to make collegiate memories and socialize! We always make sure that we have sister dinner at least once a week so when things get hectic, we can always look forward to a meal with our sisters! We make sure to make a lot of sisterhood events available so that everyone knows that there is always time to be together. Making sure that we have a variety of events ensures that all sisters get to experience things with their sisters that they enjoy, but even just a movie at the house together makes everyone happy! We also make sure that we involve ourselves on campus, and are a part of more than just ZTA, as many of our sisters, also hold leadership positions elsewhere, we are able to gain a relationship with other groups on campus. Especially making sure that we make time to be with other greek organizations, whether it be going out for ice cream with another fraternity or sorority on campus, making letters together, or even all being together for different events for Greek week, we love to socialize with as many other organizations as we can!

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