Jillian Bond

President & Vice President of Harm Reduction
Hi everyone, my name is Jillian Bond and I am the current President of Zeta Tau Alpha! I wanted to take on the position of President so that I can help our chapter to reach its fullest potential! I've loved getting to know each and every member of our organization and want to show future members how much is possible in just a short time as a Zeta!
Matea Melton

Vice President of Programming & Vice President of Finance
Hi loves! My name is Matea Melton and I am Zeta's VP of Programming and Finance! I wanted to get involved in these positions because I love working on projects, and by being Vice President of Programming, there is a new project every week! Also, by taking on these roles I am getting to work with some of my closest friends to do something that actually matters and has an affect on a cause we care about.
Ava Piotti

Vice President of Administration & Vice President of Academic Achievement
Hey there! My name is Ava Piotti and I am Zeta Tau Alpha's Vice President of Administration, as well as Vice President of Academic Achievement. I wanted to take on this position so that I could help our sisters put their best foot forwards, and to be accountable both inside and outside of the classroom. I also wanted to help my fellow sisters uphold the highest standards of being in Zeta Tau Alpha!
Katie Duffy

Vice President of Communications & Vice President of Campus Relations
Hi cuties! My name is Katie Duffy and I am the Vice President of Communications and the Vice President of Campus Relations for Zeta Tau Alpha! I wanted to take on these roles because I loved the idea of being able to create new and trendy social media content that captures what ZTA is all about. I'm able to use my artistic ability to constantly promote the lives of our sisters, and what we do in Zeta Tau Alpha throughout the year!
Lizzie Pansa

Vice President of Learning and Development & Vice President of Recruitment
Hey guys! My name is Lizzie Pansa and I am Zeta Tau Alpha's Vice President of Learning and Development, as well as the Vice President of Recruitment! I have been the VP of these positions for quite some time, and I decided to re-run for these positions because I loved creating a welcoming and fun environment for recruitment! I also loved being able to meet so many new members and see them find their home in greek like, which is so beautiful. Finally, I love being the person to help new members grow and learn what being a Zeta really means. It brings me so much joy to see our new members grow into strong and beautiful Zetas!
Kylie Dowd

Vice President of Sisterhood & Vice President of Ritual
Hey hey! My name is Kylie Dowd and I am the Vice President of Sisterhood and Ritual for ZTA! I wanted this position because I think that building a great sisterhood is super, super valuable for our chapter! I also love that I get to interact with a lot of great people in my positions!